NZ Labour, Te Pāti Māori, The Opportunities Party and the Women’s Rights Party all have some policies that will benefit women, especially those on low incomes. I would prefer any of them to form a government compared with National, ACT and NZ First.
But, which one could I vote for?
Statistics NZ is still open to feedback on its inclusion of sex, gender ID and ‘sexual identity’ in the upcoming 2023 census. Census forms will be going out some time in February for collection in March.
Consultation about the sex, sexuality and gender variables in the 2023 census has been extended to next Friday, 5.00pm 20th January 2023.
In the New Zealand parliament last week there was a unanimous vote on a law change arising from a gender identity ideology which runs counter to, and cuts deeply into established knowledge that is foundational to all human societies across time – the knowledge that there are two sexes.
Colin Peacock – usually one of the most reliably discerning voices in New Zealand media – set sail last week on the stormy waters of the gender identity debate. After some curious navigational choices, the good ship Media Watch almost foundered on the dangerous reefs lying between the Scylla of confirmation bias, and the Charybdis of ideological forelock tugging.
The Multigendered are the living embodiment of the oppression intersection, and governments must ensure that we are able to manage the flow of traffic through our own complex, and shifting, gender intersections.
While we are told birth certificate laws are just about making it easy and less embarrassing for trans people to provide official identification that matches their internal feelings – under gender identity ideology, it goes further than that – a change in identity now guarantees access to single sex spaces and services – regardless of the feelings of people born into that sex.
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