Maori incarceration statistics go from awful to appalling when the rate of Mana Wāhine in New Zealand’s prisons is considered. Currently at 68%, it is the highest per capita incarceration rate of indigenous women in the world.

On reflection, I’m happy that I drove the 120 kilometre round trip in last Thursday’s filthy weather, to hear Speak Up For Women present their arguments against controversial proposals for sex self-identification (Sex Self ID) in the Births, Deaths, Marriages & Relationships Registration (BDMRR) Bill at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre.

womb – Janet Charman

A poem by New Zealand poet Janet Charman.

Guest Post: Women, the Taliban and sex based rights

Think what is happening in Afghanistan couldn’t happen in ‘civilised’ countries? Do you believe women’s rights here are secure?

Gender is the agenda: the question is why

All the talk about how the IOC’s current transgender guidelines are “no longer fit for purpose” obscures the reality that they were never fit for purpose.